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Many people report having noticed regular bleeding from the gums. These are the first signs of periodontics. The consequences of periodontics, also called periodontitis, are bone loss, tooth mobility until tooth loss, which can also cause chewing problems. Other consequences include the impact on general health as well as bad breath or appearance problems.

Bone loss, gum pockets and tooth loss

Bacterial inflammatory periodontics causes the degradation of the anchoring structure of the teeth. This leads to the formation of gum pockets and can lead to tooth loss.

As a result of inflammation (periodontitis), the anchoring fibers and the jaw bone break down.

Instead of healthy fibers, what is called a gum pocket forms along the tooth.

The surface of the root on it is covered with a bacterial film (plaque and tartar).

Breakage of anchoring structures can increase tooth mobility. The teeth, which are normally firmly anchored in the bone, lose their stability and become loose.

If the disease is not detected and treated, decay can continue until the teeth can no longer be used for chewing and must be pulled out (extracted).

General health effects

In addition to the direct consequences in the mouth, periodontics also have an impact on systemic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.

People with periodontics are at a higher risk of developing diabetes. Fortunately, gum treatment has a positive effect on the treatment of diabetes.

People with periodontics also have a greater tendency to develop cardiovascular problems, including a greater risk of heart attack. The bacteria that cause periodontitis are also those that lead to the thickening of the walls of the vessels.

The link between bacteria located in the gums and Alzheimer's disease has also been demonstrated.

Pregnant women who had periodontitis during pregnancy are more likely to have a premature baby and are at higher risk for low birth weight babies and preeclampsia.

Bad breath

Before having gum treatment, people with periodontics have an increase in bacterial plaque and tartar on the teeth, both above and below the gum line.

The types of bacteria that typically cause periodontitis grow deep in gum pockets and produce foul-smelling volatile sulfur compounds as they break down that are exhaled through the mouth.

Bad breath only goes away after professional teeth cleaning and after implementing optimal oral hygiene at home.

Appearance (aesthetic) issues

People with periodontics suffer from changes in their appearance due to receding gums and gaps between teeth.

Periodontics therefore cause major appearance (aesthetic) problems. On the one hand, the gums are dark red due to inflammation, and on the other hand, the teeth appear longer due to receding gums, because the root has also become visible in addition to the crown of the tooth . The freely visible root is darker than the crown.

Due to the mobility of the teeth, they are often spread apart and gaps appear between them, which can be perceived as unattractive or unhealthy.

And in advanced periodontics, tooth loss can lead to even greater aesthetic discomfort.

As you will have understood, periodontics is not to be taken lightly because it can have serious consequences on your health. If your gums bleed regularly when brushing, it's time to see your dentist.

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