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What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin ceramic or composite shells that are bonded to the visible side of the teeth to improve their aesthetic appearance. They make it possible to correct defects in shape, color, position or structure of the anterior teeth, that is to say those which are visible when smiling.

Dental veneers are an alternative to more invasive dentures, such as crowns or implants, which require further trimming of the tooth. They are also more durable and more natural than composites, which are resins applied directly to the tooth.

Dental veneers are tailor-made for each patient, based on their needs and expectations. They are made in the laboratory from an impression or a scan of the tooth to be treated. Their thickness varies between 0.3 and 1 mm depending on the material used and the defect to be corrected.


Types of dental veneers:


There are two main types of dental veneers: ceramic veneers and composite veneers.

Ceramic veneers are the most common and the most aesthetic. They are made of a thin layer of porcelain which perfectly imitates dental enamel. They are very resistant to stains, shocks and wear. They offer a very natural and luminous result.

Composite veneers are less expensive and less technical than ceramic veneers. They are made of a mixture of resin and glass particles that imitate dentin. They are less resistant to stains, impacts and wear than ceramic veneers. They offer a less natural and less luminous result.


The procedure for installing dental veneers at the dentist:


The first session consists of carrying out an oral and dental assessment, defining the patient's aesthetic project and choosing the type and shade of the veneers. The dentist then makes an impression or scan of the teeth to be treated and sends them to the laboratory for the manufacture of the veneers.

The second session consists of preparing the teeth to receive the veneers. The dentist performs a slight abrasion of the enamel to create space and facilitate bonding of the veneers. He may also perform local anesthesia to avoid any pain. He then places temporary veneers to protect the teeth while waiting for the permanent veneers.

The third session consists of placing the final veneers. The dentist removes the temporary veneers, cleans and dries the teeth, then applies an etching agent to strengthen the adhesion of the veneers. He then glues the veneers one by one with a special resin and a curing light. He checks the occlusion, alignment and aesthetics of the veneers, then makes the necessary adjustments.

Dental veneers are durable and effective solutions to beautify the smile. They have an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years for ceramic veneers and 5 to 7 years for composite veneers. However, they require regular maintenance to preserve their appearance and integrity.


Maintenance of dental veneers


The maintenance of dental veneers is based on good daily oral hygiene, with brushing your teeth morning and evening with a suitable toothpaste, dental floss or interdental jet, and an antiseptic mouthwash. It is also recommended to visit your dentist at least once a year for a check-up and scaling.

Maintaining dental veneers also involves avoiding certain behaviors or foods that could damage or stain them, such as tobacco, coffee, tea, red wine, sodas, sweets, red fruits, citrus fruits, ice cubes, pits, shells, pens or nails.

Dental veneers are therefore a discreet and effective solution for bright teeth. They make it possible to correct smile imperfections without altering the structure of the teeth. They offer a natural and lasting result, provided that hygiene and prevention rules are respected.

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