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Do you dream of having a dazzling smile, but your teeth are damaged, stained, misaligned or irregularly shaped? Don't want to undergo heavy and expensive treatments like crowns or implants? There is a simple and effective solution to beautify your smile: dental veneers.


What is a dental veneer?


A dental veneer is a thin shell of ceramic or composite that sticks to the visible side of the tooth. It helps hide aesthetic defects, change the color, shape or alignment of teeth, and strengthen their resistance. Dental veneers are custom-made to adapt perfectly to your teeth and offer you a natural and lasting result.


How does the installation of a dental veneer take place?


The installation of a dental veneer is done in two or three sessions at the dentist. The first step is to prepare the tooth by removing a thin layer of enamel (between 0.5 and 1 mm) to make room for the veneer. The dentist then takes an impression of the tooth and sends the model to the laboratory which manufactures the veneer. During this time, he may place a temporary veneer to protect the tooth.

The second step consists of gluing the final veneer to the tooth. The dentist checks that the veneer matches the shape, color and occlusion of the tooth. He then cleans the tooth surface and applies a bonding agent which allows the veneer to adhere well. He then places the veneer on the tooth and fixes it with a special glue. It removes excess glue and polishes the facet to a smooth, shiny appearance.

The third step is optional, but recommended. This is a check-up visit a few days after installation to check that everything is going well and that you are satisfied with the result.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of dental veneers?


Dental veneers have many advantages:


- They are very aesthetic and give a harmonious and luminous smile.

- They are minimally invasive and preserve the structure of the tooth as much as possible.

- They are resistant to stains, cavities and impacts.

- They are comfortable and do not irritate the gums.

- They have a long lifespan (between 10 and 20 years depending on the case).


Dental veneers also have some disadvantages:


- They require a slight reduction of the enamel, which makes the process irreversible.

- They can come loose or fracture if misused (biting hard food, biting your nails, etc.).

- They can cause temporary tooth sensitivity after installation.

- They are not reimbursed by social security or by most mutual insurance companies.


How to maintain your dental veneers?


Dental veneers do not require any special maintenance, but you must follow a few oral hygiene rules to preserve them:

- Brush your teeth twice a day with a mild toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush.

- Use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean the spaces between the teeth.

- Avoid consuming overly colored foods or drinks (coffee, tea, wine, etc.) which can tarnish the facets.

- Avoid biting foods that are too hard (nuts, candy, ice cubes, etc.) which can damage the veneers.

- Consult your dentist regularly for check-ups and scaling.


Dental veneers are therefore an excellent option to improve the aesthetics of your smile and your self-confidence. Do not hesitate to ask for advice at our Longchamp clinic in Casablanca to find out if this treatment suits you and what type of veneer to choose.

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