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Tooth whitening is a technique that lightens the color of teeth and gives them a brighter appearance. There are many methods of teeth whitening, ranging from natural solutions to professional in-office treatments. But what are the risks and benefits of this practice? Here are some myths and facts to know before you get started.


Myth 1: Teeth whitening damages tooth enamel

Fact: Teeth whitening does not damage tooth enamel, provided that it is carried out with suitable products and in compliance with regulations. This is because whitening products contain oxidizing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which penetrate the tooth and break down the pigments that color it. These agents are effective and safe if used at the correct concentration and for the indicated time. On the other hand, if the product is too concentrated or applied for too long, it can cause dehydration of the tooth, increased sensitivity or irritation of the gums. It is therefore recommended to follow the manufacturer's or dentist's instructions and not to overdo tooth whitening.


Myth 2: Teeth whitening is permanent

Fact: Teeth whitening is not permanent. The duration of results depends on several factors, such as the nature of the teeth, the type of product used, the method of application and dietary and oral hygiene habits. In general, the effects of tooth whitening last between 6 months and 2 years, but they can be prolonged by avoiding foods and drinks that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco or certain red fruits. It is also advisable to brush your teeth regularly with a suitable toothpaste and to have scaling at the dentist at least once a year.


Myth 3: Teeth whitening works on all teeth

Fact: Teeth whitening is not effective on all teeth. It mainly acts on external stains, caused by diet, tobacco or aging. It cannot change the intrinsic color of teeth, which depends on genetics, certain medications or certain diseases. For example, gray or bluish teeth cannot be whitened with this technique. Likewise, tooth whitening has no effect on dental restorations, such as fillings, crowns or veneers. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the color of the natural teeth is harmonious with that of the prostheses.


Myth 4: Teeth whitening can be done with any product

Fact: Teeth whitening should not be done with just any product. Some supposedly natural or homemade products may be ineffective or dangerous for oral health. For example, baking soda, lemon, turmeric or banana peel are often cited as miracle cures for whitening teeth. However, these products have an abrasive or acidic effect which can scratch tooth enamel, disrupt the oral pH balance and promote cavities. It is therefore preferable to use products specially designed for tooth whitening, which are scientifically tested and approved by health authorities.


Myth 5: Teeth whitening is accessible to everyone

Fact: Teeth whitening is not recommended for everyone. There are certain contraindications that must be respected to avoid complications. For example, tooth whitening is not recommended for children under 18, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people allergic to oxidizing agents, people suffering from oral diseases, such as cavities, gingivitis or periodontitis, or people with very sensitive teeth. It is therefore essential to consult a dentist before embarking on a tooth whitening treatment, so that he can assess the state of health of the teeth and gums, the type and degree of coloring and the desired result.


Myth 6: Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Kits Are As Effective as Professional Treatments

Fact: Many believe that over-the-counter teeth whitening kits are as effective as professional treatments. However, these kits can often contain lower concentrations of bleach and are not as personalized as professional treatments. Professional treatments, carried out under the supervision of a dentist, offer faster and longer-lasting results.


Tooth whitening can be a safe and effective option for brightening teeth and improving the appearance of your smile. By debunking myths and presenting the facts, it is important to make informed decisions and consult a dental professional before beginning any tooth whitening treatment. Do not hesitate to contact the Longchamps dental clinic in Casablanca for your teeth whitening.

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