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Do you dream of having a dazzling smile and white teeth like the stars? Have you tried toothpastes, strips or at-home whitening kits, but aren't satisfied with the results? Are you wondering if professional tooth whitening in Casablanca at the dentist is the ideal solution for you?


Professional tooth whitening is a non-invasive procedure designed to remove tooth stains and discolorations. Unlike at-home whitening methods, professional whitening is performed under the supervision of a dental health professional. Here are the good reasons to opt for this technique which guarantees you a dream smile in complete safety.


 A quick and effective result


Professional tooth whitening at the dentist is one of the most effective techniques for lightening teeth by several shades in a single session. The dentist uses a gel based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide, which will penetrate the enamel and dentin to eliminate stains and discolorations caused by tobacco, coffee, wine, aging or certain medications. The gel is activated by a special lamp which increases its effectiveness and reduces exposure time. In 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the concentration of the product and the desired degree of whiteness, you can gain up to eight shades and regain a dazzling smile.


Secure and personalized treatment


Professional tooth whitening at the dentist has the advantage of being carried out under the supervision of an expert who will ensure the good health of your teeth and gums before starting treatment. It will also protect your mucous membranes and your eyes during the session to avoid any risk of irritation or burns. In addition, the dentist will adapt the protocol and the dosage of the product according to your dental sensitivity, the natural color of your teeth and your expectations. He will also give you advice on how to prolong the duration of the results and prevent possible side effects, such as temporary sensitivity or dehydration of the teeth.


Affordable and profitable cost


Professional tooth whitening at the dentist certainly represents a greater investment than at-home solutions, but it offers better value for money in the long term. Indeed, the price remains a little expensive compared to at-home solutions, but you should know that the result can last up to two years if you respect good oral hygiene and avoid foods and drinks that stain the teeth. Finally, professional tooth whitening at the dentist is less aggressive than other aesthetic techniques such as veneers or crowns, which require trimming the teeth and which are irreversible.


Newfound self-confidence


Professional tooth whitening at the dentist not only has positive effects on your physical appearance, but also on your psychological well-being. Having white teeth and a radiant smile can help you feel more confident, attractive and happy in your personal and professional life. Teeth whitening can also improve your self-esteem and your motivation to take care of your oral health. Indeed, if you are proud of your smile, you will want to preserve it by adopting good daily hygiene, limiting your tobacco or coffee consumption and regularly consulting your dentist.


Professional tooth whitening at the dentist is a safe, effective and long-lasting technique for regaining white teeth and a dazzling smile. If you would like to benefit from this method, do not hesitate to contact the Longchamp dental clinic in Casablanca to take a preliminary assessment and discuss the treatment modalities. You will see, you will not regret it!

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