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Dental implants are medical devices that replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of an artificial root, usually made of titanium, which is inserted into the jaw bone, and a prosthetic crown, which mimics the appearance and function of the natural tooth.


Dental implants offer many advantages over other tooth replacement solutions, such as removable dentures or bridges. They are more comfortable, more stable, more aesthetic and more durable. They also help preserve the alveolar bone, which tends to resorb in the absence of stimulation by the dental roots.


But at what age can you benefit from a dental implant? Are there any contraindications or precautions to take? This is what we will see in this  article.


Minimum age to receive a dental implant


There is no universal minimum age for receiving a dental implant. It all depends on the bone development of each individual. Indeed, the growth of the facial skeleton must be complete before a dental implant can be placed, in order to prevent it from moving or becoming unsuitable over time.


Generally, bone growth ends around age 18 in boys and 16 in girls. However, there can be individual variations, and radiological examinations must therefore be carried out to verify that the bone is sufficiently mature and dense to accommodate a dental implant.


It is therefore possible to receive a dental implant from adolescence, provided that growth is complete and the oral condition is satisfactory. You must also have good oral hygiene and sufficient motivation to follow the dentist's recommendations.


Maximum age to receive a dental implant


There is also no maximum age for receiving a dental implant. As long as general and oral health permits, it is possible to benefit from a dental implant at any age. There is no age limit to improve your quality of life and your smile!


Of course, with advancing age, there may be factors that complicate the placement of a dental implant, such as decreased bone density, the presence of chronic illnesses or taking medications. It is therefore necessary to carry out a complete pre-implantation assessment, which takes into account the general health, oral and dental condition, medical history and current treatments.


Based on this assessment, the dentist can propose a treatment plan adapted to each case. It can be a classic dental implant, or an immediate loading dental implant, which allows the prosthetic crown to be placed the same day or the day after placement of the implant. It can also be a zygomatic dental implant, which is anchored in the zygoma bone (cheekbone), when the upper jaw bone is too weak or too resorbed.


In certain cases, it may be necessary to perform a bone graft prior to the placement of a dental implant, in order to increase the volume and quality of the available bone. There are different bone grafting techniques, which can use autogenous (taken from the patient himself), allogeneic (taken from a human donor), xenogenic (taken from an animal) or synthetic material.


The placement of a dental implant is therefore possible at any age, provided there is a good pre-implantation assessment and a personalized treatment plan. Post-operative instructions and follow-up appointments must also be followed to ensure the success and longevity of the dental implant.


Dental implants are effective, comfortable and aesthetic dental replacement solutions, which can be placed at any age, subject to a good pre-implantation evaluation. They allow you to regain optimal masticatory function, self-confidence and a dazzling smile.


If you would like to know more about dental implants, do not hesitate to consult your dentist, who will be able to answer all your questions and offer you a personalized quote.

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