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Dental implants are medical devices that replace natural tooth roots and support fixed or removable teeth. They offer many advantages, such as better aesthetics, better masticatory function and better prosthesis stability. However, to ensure long-term success, it is important to follow certain maintenance rules.


First of all, it is important to know that implants are not safe from infections, which can lead to complications such as peri-implant complications, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the implant which may indicate its loss. To avoid this, you must practice strict oral hygiene, which includes:


Routine Care: The Oral Health Foundation


Daily care provides the basis for the maintenance of dental implants. It is important to brush your teeth regularly with a soft toothbrush. Additionally, using dental floss or interdental brushes to clean the spaces between teeth and implants, being careful not to injure the gums. Also opt for a non-abrasive toothpaste that preserves the surface of the implants.


Uses of Oral Antiseptics: prevention of infections


The dentist may recommend the use of oral antiseptics to minimize infection. Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash or a specific product, on the recommendation of the dentist.


Avoid bad habits: protect your investment


Certain habits can compromise the durability of dental implants. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and foods that are too sweet or acidic, which contribute to tooth decay and tartar. Also avoid biting hard objects, chewing ice or adopting practices that could put excessive pressure on the implants.


Regular visits to the dentist: prevention is worth more than cure


Regular visits to the dentist play an important role in maintaining the health of implants. You must consult your dentist regularly, at least once a year, to check implants and dental prostheses. The dentist can assess the condition of the implants, their impact on bones and gums, their durability and their function. He can also carry out professional descaling, which eliminates tartar that is there and cannot be brushed. The dentist can also adjust or replace dentures if necessary.

You must report to the dentist any problem or discomfort related to the implant or prosthesis, such as pain, bleeding, inflammation, loosening or breakage. It is also important to inform the dentist of any changes in general health or medication intake, which could have the same effect on the implants.


A balanced diet: nourish to preserve


A balanced diet contributes to overall and oral health. Essential nutrients help strengthen the immune system, support healthy gums and bones surrounding implants, and reduce the risk of some complications.


Look for any signs of trouble: act immediately


Vigilance is the key word. Watch for signs such as bleeding gums, inflammation, implant mobility and pain. Any abnormality should be reported immediately to the dentist for early intervention.


Dental implants require regular, careful maintenance, which involves good oral hygiene, visits to the dentist, and a watchful eye for warning signs. By respecting this simple rule, we can take full advantage of the benefits of dental implants and preserve their lifespan.

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