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Want a bright and harmonious smile? Are you looking for an aesthetic and lasting solution for your teeth? Have you heard about dental veneers in Casablanca, but you don't know how much the price in Morocco? Here we will enlighten you on the price of dental veneers in Casablanca, the advantages and disadvantages of this option, as well as discussions to choose the best dentist to make your dreams come true.


What is a dental veneer?


A dental veneer is a thin layer of ceramic or composite material that adheres to the visible surface of the tooth. It helps correct aesthetic defects such as stains, cracks, spaces, damaged or misaligned teeth. It creates a natural and strong appearance to the teeth, and improves the patient's smile.


What is the price of dental veneers in Casablanca?


The price of dental veneers in Casablanca depends on many factors, such as the number of teeth to be treated, the type of pieces (ceramic or composite), the type of veneer, the necessary pretreatment (devitalization, whitening, etc.) and experience. and the reputation of the dentist.

The cost of dental veneers in Casablanca varies from 2,500 MAD to 8,000 MAD per tooth, depending on the preimplantation treatment required and the quality of the veneers used. For a detailed and personalized quote, you can contact the Longchamp Dental Clinic in Casablanca, which provides you with high quality veneers at competitive prices.

The advantages of dental veneers:

Dental veneers are:
- Aesthetic and gives that harmonious smile
- Durable and resistant to stains and impacts
- Biocompatible and do not irritate the gums
- Minimally invasive and preserve tooth structure
- Quick to install

Disadvantages of dental veneers

Dental veneers also have some disadvantages, such as:

- Irreversible and require slight preparation of the teeth
- Can become detached or fracture in the event of poor hygiene or bruxism
- May cause temporary tooth sensitivity
- Not refundable by social security or mutual insurance companies


How to choose the best dentist to install dental veneers in Casablanca?


The installation of dental veneers is an act that requires great skill and precision. It is therefore essential to choose a qualified, experienced and recognized dentist in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

Dental veneers are an excellent solution to beautify your smile and correct your dental imperfections. The price of dental veneers in Casablanca varies depending on several factors, but it generally remains lower than in Europe. To benefit from optimal results, it is important to choose a competent and renowned dentist in the field of dental aesthetics.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at the Longchamp dental clinic in Casablanca.

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