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Are you looking to improve your smile and oral health? Have you heard about dental implants, but don't know how much they cost or where to get them? Here we will explain to you what dental implants are, what their advantages and disadvantages are, and above all, what is the price of dental implants in Casablanca.


What are dental implants?


Dental implants are artificial roots made of titanium or zirconia, which are inserted into the jaw bone to replace missing teeth. On these roots, crowns, bridges or removable prostheses are then fixed, which will reproduce the appearance and function of natural teeth.


The advantages and disadvantages of dental implants in Casablanca


Dental implants have several advantages over other tooth replacement solutions, such as conventional dentures or bridges. First of all, they provide better stability and comfort, as they do not move or cause irritation. Then, they help preserve the jaw bone, which resorbs over time in the absence of stimulation. Finally, they improve the aesthetics of the smile and self-confidence, because they are very natural and discreet.


Dental implants also have some disadvantages that you should be aware of before getting started. First, they require surgery, which may carry risks of infection, bleeding or rejection. Then, they ask for good oral hygiene and regular follow-up with the dentist, to avoid complications such as peri-implantitis, inflammation of the tissues around the implant. Finally, they represent a fairly high cost, which is not always covered by mutual funds or insurance.


The price of dental implants in Casablanca


The price of dental implants in Casablanca depends on several factors, such as the number and type of implants required, the material used, the quality of the prosthetic laboratory, or the reputation of the dental surgeon. On average, it costs between 10,000 and 15,000 dirhams per implant, to which must be added the cost of the crown, bridge or prosthesis. The total price can therefore vary between 15,000 and 40,000 dirhams per tooth to be replaced.


If you wish to benefit from dental implants in Casablanca, you must choose a qualified and experienced dental surgeon, who will guarantee you an optimal and lasting result. Do not hesitate to contact the Longchamp dental clinic in Casablanca, Doctor El Belghami Kadiri Chafika will answer all your questions during the first consultation, to be well informed and reassured about the progress of the treatment.


Dental implants are an effective and aesthetic solution to replace missing teeth. They will allow you to regain a dazzling smile and good oral health. If you are interested in this technique, inquire at the Longchamp dental clinic in Casablanca.

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