Peri-implant infections are common complications in dental implantology, which can lead to serious oral health problems and compromise the long-term success of dental implants. At the Longchamp Dental Clinic in Casablanca, special attention is paid to the early detection and treatment of peri-implant infections to ensure the health and well-being of patients.
Peri-implant infections are usually caused by a build-up of bacterial plaque around the dental implant. Common risk factors include poor oral hygiene, a history of periodontal disease, smoking, diabetes, immune disorders, and tissue healing problems. Poorly positioned or poorly fitted implants can also promote the development of infections by creating spaces where bacteria can proliferate.
Peri-implant infections can present with a variety of symptoms, including:
If these symptoms are present, it is essential to see a dentist promptly to evaluate and treat the infection before it progresses and compromises the health of the dental implant.
Early detection of peri-implant infections is crucial to prevent serious complications. At Clinique Dentaire Longchamp, intraoral radiographs and peri-implant probing measurements are performed after the completion of implant treatment to establish a baseline. At subsequent examinations, if clinical signs of inflammation or an increase in probing depth are observed, an x-ray is performed to assess peri-implant bone levels and confirm the diagnosis.
Clinicians perform peri-implant probing to monitor peri-implant conditions at each recall visit in order to detect changes in health conditions at an early stage. Identification and treatment of peri-implant mucositis is essential for the primary prevention of peri-implantitis.
Treatment of peri-implant infections depends on the severity of the infection and the extent of the damage. Treatment options include:
Early detection of peri-implant disease supports a more conservative, non-surgical treatment approach, while peri-implantitis diagnosed with more advanced bone loss typically requires surgical intervention.
Prevention of peri-implant infections relies on rigorous oral hygiene and regular maintenance peri-implant care. Patients should follow individualized oral hygiene practices recommended by their dentist and attend regular recall visits for professional cleanings. Reducing or modifying risk factors, such as smoking and diabetes, is also essential to prevent peri-implant infections.
Early detection and treatment of peri-implant infections are crucial to ensure the long-term success of dental implants. At Clinique Dentaire Longchamp in Casablanca, a comprehensive and preventive approach is implemented to minimize the risk of complications and ensure the oral health of patients. By following the advice and recommendations of dental health professionals, patients can enjoy the benefits of dental implants without major complications.